Please type all homework and homework assigned this lesson is due at the beginning of class next lesson.
Integrity: Your honor is extremely important. This academic security policy is designed to help you succeed in meeting academic requirements while practicing the honorable behavior our country rightfully demands of its military. Do not compromise your integrity by violating academic security or by taking unfair advantage of your classmates.
What is the purpose of the header file? What does it provide?
When writing a header file, what preprocessor command should you include and why?
What is bad about a #define statement?
Why are the following good or bad, be specific:
global variables
functions having multiple exit points
one function that does 3 completely different things
Which function is better void holyHandGrenade() or void deleteItem(), why?
Which function is better void update(int a, int b) or void update(int old_value, int new_value), why?
What is good about using const instead of a #define?
What is the one line of code that creates a new variable type called bob and really is a long int?
When writing clean code, what are 4 things you should do (there could be more)?
When linking C and assembly code together, how do you tell C that the variable or function is defined elsewhere in an assembly file? (hint: what is the keyword)
How do you tell the compiler that a global variable or function is defined else where in your code?