Maj Kevin Walchko Fairchild 2E46A
Capt Dan Johnson Fairchild 2F46A
By the end of this course, cadets shall be able to:
CompSci 110 and ECE 281
Grade | Grade |
90 < A < 100 | 74 < C+ < 77 |
87 < A- < 90 | 70 < C < 74 |
84 < B+ < 87 | 67 < C- < 70 |
80 < B < 84 | 60 < D < 67 |
77 < B- < 80 | 0 < F < 60 |
Prog % | Final % | |
HW | 10 | 5 |
Quizzes | 15 | 10 |
GRs | 50 | 40 |
Labs | 25 | 20 |
Final Exam | 25 |
Inform your instructor of absences in advance via email. Please include the reason for the absence and any relevant SCA. Check the SCA to see if instructor permission is required and if it is, make the request prior to the absence. You will be given an Unexcused Absence in CAS if you fail to get permission.
If you plan to miss a class, you must take any quiz or GR prior to your departure.
If you are expecting to miss class on the day an assignment is due, you shall turn-in your assignment prior to your departure. Your instructor may grant a no-penalty turn-in extension for absences resulting from illness or other legitimate extenuating circumstances. Cadets shall coordinate late submittals in advance. The late policy for the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is as follows:
How Late? | Max Penalty | Max Grade |
< 1 day | 25% | 75% |
2 day | 50% | 50% |
3 day | 75% | 25% |
> 3 day | 100% | 0% |
You may receive help from any DFEC faculty member on the homework. Do not work with other students in the class or who have taken the class previously. Document all help received on work submitted for grading IAW DF policies, or document none if your work was completely individual effort.
Reading assignments are on each lesson page, along with the links and datasheet pages specified at the top of the respective lesson page. Readings should be accomplished prior to the designated class in order to be most beneficial.
Graded homework assignments are also given at the top of the class notes and are due BOC the next lesson unless otherwise stated. Not every homework assignment or every problem in the homework assignment will be graded, that is up to the instructor. The expectation is you will do and turn in every homework assignment. Homework will not be handed back. The answers for every problem can be found in the lecture notes and the readings.
Labs will be turned in and graded via Bitbucket unless otherwise stated. If a prelab is assigned, you will turn it in the lesson prior to the start of the lab.
Lab notebooks must follow the lab notebook standards specified on the Labs page. Not following the standard exactly could result in a late penalty until the notebook meets standards.
All exams are closed textbook and notes. Homework, laboratories, quizzes and classroom work will appear on exams. After the exam, you will not be allowed to keep the exam, but you will be allowed to see it when we go over the solutions.