

Please type all homework and homework assigned this lesson is due at the beginning of class next lesson.

Integrity: Your honor is extremely important. This academic security policy is designed to help you succeed in meeting academic requirements while practicing the honorable behavior our country rightfully demands of its military. Do not compromise your integrity by violating academic security or by taking unfair advantage of your classmates.

  1. What is the purpose of the watchdog timer and why is it in the uC?
  2. Write a code snippet for disabling the watchdog timer.
  3. On a 1MHz uC, how long before the watchdog timer expires? What happens when it goes off?
  4. In the watchdog WDTCTL register, what bits do you set to select the timer+ clock source as SMCLK?
  5. What is an assembler directive?
  6. Write out the meaning of the following assembler directives:
    1. .data
    2. .bytes
    3. .word
    4. .equ
    5. .space
    6. .text
  7. What are the benefits of modular code?
